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Nearly had a stroke trying to get through this with all the glitches and restarts but we got somewhere..




i like


does that queen have that gyat?


Definitely competes with the triple-A games from game awards and Demolishes them. This experience changed my life,
(Psst I made a video of it as well :> ).


I enjoyed this. They are so cute


I had a lot of fun playing this with my wife. I had no idea what a Pou was until my kids told me that I had to play this for my lets play channel. and now its doing really well for me. Thank you for this game, you're awesome RUDY



this game was  crazy. thank you for making this game, it was great!


hey it works on google play


I just want to know HOW STRONG is this POU?!!!! Really, wacky game


I knew this game was gonna be weird and silly. But I didn’t like it too much. I kept throwing the pet into nothingness and had to keep restarting since I couldn’t continue. The environment was bland not much detail. And driving the car felt a little difficult for me. This is just my personal opinion. I don’t know how to make a game so I give props for making one. The game was entertaining for what it was. And I was definitely a little creeped out. 


Thx for your feedback, I made this game for YouTube video so I didn't expected it to blow up that much.

I'm working on Bou 2 which will be a real game though ;)


I was surprised myself that this had such a huge following. Definitely will play your second game and possibly even get the extra endings to this one! Can’t wait to see you improve. 😁


I'm having trouble on extracting the game. How do I do this? :)


download WinRAR (free) and extract using it


Rudy i need help i dont know how to open the  game cause the game dowloads as a  carpet dont know what to do 


download WinRAR (free) and extract using it


O,Thank you!




pou has LOST it.


To add a manual save mechanic in Unity, you'll need to create a system to save and load game data, typically using C# scripting. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you implement this feature:

1. Create a SaveData Class:

   Define a class that represents the data you want to save. This class should be serializable.



   public class SaveData


       public int playerScore;

       public Vector3 playerPosition;

       // Add more fields as needed



2. Serialize the Data:

   Use JSON or another serialization method to convert the SaveData object into a string format that can be saved to a file.


   using UnityEngine;

   using System.IO;

   public static class SaveSystem


       public static void SaveGame(SaveData data)


           string json = JsonUtility.ToJson(data);

           File.WriteAllText(Application.persistentDataPath + "/savefile.json", json);


       public static SaveData LoadGame()


           string path = Application.persistentDataPath + "/savefile.json";

           if (File.Exists(path))


               string json = File.ReadAllText(path);

               return JsonUtility.FromJson<SaveData>(json);




               Debug.LogError("Save file not found in " + path);

               return null;





3. Save and Load Methods:

   Create methods to save and load the game state. You can call these methods from your game’s UI (e.g., a save button).


   public class GameManager : MonoBehaviour


       public SaveData currentData;

       public void SaveGame()


           currentData = new SaveData();

           currentData.playerScore = // get player score;

           currentData.playerPosition = // get player position;



       public void LoadGame()


           SaveData loadedData = SaveSystem.LoadGame();

           if (loadedData != null)


               // Set player score and position from loaded data

               currentData = loadedData;





4. Handling Player Data:

   When saving, you’ll need to collect the necessary data from your game objects (like the player's position and score) and when loading, you’ll need to apply the loaded data back to your game objects.

By following these steps, you can implement a manual save and load system in Unity that allows players to save their progress and resume later. For more detailed guidance, you can refer to Unity's official documentation on saving and loading game data.


honey I don't want to fix my game I like it this way, u better hype up for Bou 2 sub to my YT to know when it's out :)

Deleted post

bro you just copy the pou 2 la venganza del veneno matador made by plomadilla 😉


never heard of it, Plomadilla ;)


;) Seriously, good game.

But I ever heard of God of War Ⅲ. The great PlayStation 3 game that I've played with by brother on my PlayStation 3 Slim. But PlayStation 3 is gone. And the games too. And God of War Ⅲ is on PlayStation 4. And the game is called "God of War Ⅲ Remastered".

Deleted post

To address the issue of objects going through walls and off the map in Unity, there are several steps your friend can take to resolve this problem:

  1. Use Continuous Collision Detection: When objects move very quickly, Unity can sometimes miss collisions, causing them to pass through walls. Switching the Rigidbody's collision detection mode from "Discrete" to "Continuous" can help ensure collisions are detected more accurately. This is especially useful for fast-moving objects.
  2. Avoid Directly Modifying Transform: Instead of modifying the object's transform position directly, use Rigidbody methods like MovePosition or AddForce. Directly modifying the transform can cause the object to "teleport" past colliders. Using Rigidbody methods ensures that physics calculations are taken into account.
  3. Increase Physics Timesteps: Ensure that physics updates are frequent enough to catch all collisions. This can be done by adjusting the Fixed Timestep in the Time settings of Unity's project settings. A smaller timestep means more frequent physics updates, which can help with collision detection.
  4. Adjust Depenetration Settings: Increasing the maximum depenetration velocity in Unity’s Physics settings can help with objects getting stuck or passing through other objects. This setting controls how quickly Unity resolves collisions when objects penetrate each other.
  5. Ensure Proper Collider Setup: Make sure that the objects have appropriate colliders attached. For example, if the object is spherical, use a Sphere Collider. Ensure that colliders are not set as triggers unless specifically needed for trigger events, as triggers do not detect collisions in the same way as regular colliders.
  6. Layer and Physics Interaction Settings: Verify that the objects and walls are on layers that are set to interact correctly in the Physics settings. Misconfigured layer interactions can result in missed collisions.

By implementing these fixes, your friend should see a significant improvement in how the objects behave in the game, reducing or eliminating the issue of objects passing through walls and falling off the map.


I asked GPT.


yeah it's not like I don't know how, but it requires much time and I don't feel like it :)
P.S: Bou 2 won't have this issue get excited ;)




thanks :D




(1 edit) (+1)




you're 10/10 too :D


:3 HI

Bou's Revenge 2


yep I'm working on it, sub to my YouTube to know when :)

(1 edit)

I subscribed you. :)


how did you get your discord hacked lol


shush dude


Bous Revenge gameplay




I had never known there was an Android version


Such a cute game! Let's Go!


Youtube : Bevornix


Really good 


This game was frustrating but really interesting .



love it

extremely buggy and almost unplayable


maybe its your internet


Amazing game and exciting horror story but I think there is something buggy in the game that giving me a hard time but it was amazing game honestly

It sucks, the graphics are bad and controls are broken, also I hate poulina

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